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دانلود فیلم Aproape de soare 1961

دانلود فیلم Aproape de soare (1961)

Aproape de soare (1961)


خلاصه انگلیسی

Petre Orsa, a young peasant gets a job at the Hunedoara Steel Mill with the dream of becoming a top-notch steel-man, having Mihai Solca - a sort of communist industrial hero- as his role model. He starts low moving dirt around with a shovel but he soon gets into the team of an old steel man,foreman Tudor Baci. He meets Livia, a crane operator and he goes on a trip with her to the Hunyad Castle, a local attraction. Foreman Tudor Baci gives Petre the chance to pour his first steel bullion and he m

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